होम अगेन – महिला मानसिक स्वास्थ्य देखभाल एवं पुनर्वास के 4 केन्द्रों को मिली सहायता

The Madhya Pradesh Voluntary Health Association (MPVHA) organized an aid program in Indore to support women’s mental health care and rehabilitation centers. The program, aimed at enhancing the well-being of women, provided 25 essential items to four centers operated by the Home Again initiative. Esteemed attendees included former collector Rakesh Srivastava, Dr. M.S. Gujral, retired IAS officer Rakesh Srivastava, and several medical professionals who emphasized the need for a charitable cancer hospital in Indore. The event highlighted the importance of mental health, early cancer detection, and comprehensive care.